I've decide to join the millions of beggars on the web and ask for some donations to my site. Of, course the first question you will ask is why should I donate and where will my money go? Well, as you probably realized by browsing around this site, I'm not doing this for profit. It's a losing venture but I love doing it nonetheless.
One area I would like to expand upon is providing detailed tutorials and training materials in my LabVIEWblog area. Another area is add-on VI's and utilities. I've already developed several code snippets that I'm offering at no charge and I will be releasing many more that I have been working on. The first tutorial series will focus on state machines.
Another area I will be enhancing is information about Greece. I've started writing more in depth articles on Greece and the various regions that make up this beautiful country. They will be released in the upcoming months.
These two areas, Greece and LabVIEW will be enhanced dramatically over the next few months. This requires time and effort and if you find anything of value here then you can do your part to encourage me to go on. There is no limit to how little (or how much) you can contribute. Of course the donations are voluntary and you may still view all of my content regardless of if you've contributed or not. This open access will continue as long as I can afford it.