- Contact Me...
Thank you for visiting my site...
This site is new and is still a work in progress.
So all I can say right now is please check back for more later.
The goal of this website is to always present original content.
This is a huge undertaking and as you can imagine takes up alot
of time. This is the reason that updates and additions will be a
slow evolving process. The links to other web sites will always
be kept up to date and new and interesting sites will replace old
This site will focus on my intrests, hence
the name. These fall into several main categories, my kids and family,
LabVIEW, Greece, digital photography, and digital movie making.
I will touch on each of these subjects here and give some personal
insight and experience. Check out the Forums
section where you can discuss topics presented on my site or post
me a question.
You can also contact me at the following

My email is displayed as an image to avoid email harvesting robots.
if you would like to use some of the images or text on this website
please do so but send me an email to let me know how they are being
used. I'm curious just like anybody else.

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