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Personal Weblog - Individual Entry

October 29, 2002
Greymatter up and running - and the sun!

Well, it seems that I can't stop doing things to my website. I think I'm obsessed... I just replaced all my weblogging from Blogger to Greymatter. That was a bit of a challenge to import all of my old posts but since you are reading this then it apparently worked. I still can't believe the amount of free knowledge there is out there when it comes to HTML and web development.

Today I was discussing with Merlyn how in 10 years when our kids will be teenagers, they will be sending emails to us at work from school or we from work to them at school. Then I realized that we might not have email, but some other kind of messaging system. Will the wearable computers be sophisticated enough to be popular and reliable? I can't begin to imagine what the future holds. The more I think of it though, the more I realize that I shouldn't be thinking of technology... of course, I should be thinking of our health, the environment the polluted air. There used to be time when the word asma was something kids learned from a medical textbook if at all. Now every classroom has cases of kids carrying inhalors. Peanut butter and jelly sandwitches are banned for fear of your buddy sitting next to you will drop to the floor convulsing from a "peanut allergy".

Yes, technology is good and it is fun but our future as a human race on this planet is uncertain. We must look at the sun which shines down on the plants that get eaten by cows that get sloughtered for hamburgers grilled on our backyard bbq's and go into our mouths... Yes, if you think about it we are the sun, yes, the sun. Everything gets tied back into the sun somehow.

Even though I have so many computers around me, I wish I had more grass under my feet. As my daughter sings, "Mr. sun, sun, Mr. golden sun, please shine down on me"...

Posted by Michael Aivaliotis at October 29, 2002 01:50 AM


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